Sunday, December 5, 2021

Omnicron meaning new south african covid variant

new omnicron variant covid omicron pronunciation to whom it may concern meaning variant of interest none of your concern central city concern lynnwood brewing concern A World Health Organization panel named the variant “omicron” and classified it as a highly transmissible virus of concern, the same category that includes the delta variant. “Omicron Variant”—The World Health Organization designates the new #B11529 strain a "variant of concern" high priority risks rating and gives it the Greek name #Omicron. The panel said early evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection. 

Omnicron meaning new south african covid variant

The World Health Organization on November 26 declared the recently-discovered B.1.1.529 strain of COVID-19 to be a variant of concern, renaming it Omicron.

"Based on the evidence presented indicative of a detrimental change in Covid-19 epidemiology... the WHO has designated B.1.1.529 as a variant of concern, named Omicron," the U.N. health agency said in a statement.

Earlier in the day, WHO cautioned against imposing travel restrictions due to the B.1.1.529 COVID-19 variant, saying it would take weeks to understand the implications of the newly discovered strain.

WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Virus Evolution held a meeting on November 26 to discuss the variant first detected through surveillance in South Africa.

You know why I’m concerned about #Omicron? The world’s markets had a terrible day, worst for the Dow in 2021. When the rich are running this fast for safety, be concerned. Oh, and yes, science is concerned, too, but what do they know right? Woman facepalming

Roncliffe Odit





 has named the B.1.1.529 variant #Omicron and declared it as a variant of concern. 


 says preliminary evidence suggests that the new variant carries a higher risk re-infection than others. More than 70 cases have been identified in South Africa.

Espírito Zombeteiro




Zé Gotinha X Ômicron, a batalha final.



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