Thursday, October 7, 2021

China bans video games under 18 | why did china ban game

A big breaking news coming from China Government and law banned games in China's we discussion all most popular games in china 2021 china bans video games why china banning video games china limits video games china limiting video games china ban video games
China has new announcement children's under the age of 18 banning to play games issued sweeping regulations rules only youth will be allowed to play games Fridays and Saturdays - Sundays or public holidays timimg between 8 p.m. and 9 p.m. because mobile video Gaming addiction has affected studies and normal life..

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China bans video games under 18

  • Poor performance at sturdy, household responsibilities work, or  as a result of a preoccupation with gaming
  • Losing control over how much you are gaming
  • Game addict person neglect of other hobbies or friendships
  • continuing to game despite negative effects on school, family life, work, health, hygiene, relationships, finances or social relationships.
  • prioritising gaming to the extent that it takes precedence over other activities and interests

Most of parents really struggle to get their kids off the All time busy gaming. Many parents in the West who have completely lost control of their kids online activities might be willing to accept this kind of "authoritarianism" to save their kids & to try to reverse the culture of violence online

Most popular games in china 2021

1. Honor of Kings 王者荣耀 Tencent -
2. Anipop 开心消消乐 Happy Elements -
3. Peacekeeper Elite 和平精英 Tencent -
4. Happy Lord 欢乐斗地主 Tencent -
5. Happy Mahjong 欢乐麻将 Tencent -
6. Hui Wan 会玩 Weipai Network
7. Genshin Impact 原神 miHoYo
8. JJ Doudizhu JJ斗地主 JJWorld
9. CrossFire Mobile 穿越火线(枪战王者) Tencent
10. Call of Duty®: Mobil‪e 使命召唤手游 Tencent 1  

parents said” the National Press and Publication Administration a statement. Earlier this month, a newspaper affiliated with China's state-run newswire Xinhua blasted gaming companies for targeting young people, at one point describing online gaming as "spiritual opium

Users Reaction social media China bans video games under 18

That’s actually smart. One of many reasons why China is ahead of the US in so many metrics we don’t have self control like this. A lot of parents just let their kids do whatever bc they would rather be friends with them.
Bob Lyons

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